Wednesday, January 18, 2006

IBM - why it's number one

Analysts rate IBM's AR very highly.

Why? Well, John Simonds from its AR team has posted some analyst comments over on his blog which provide an insight. They come from a recent survey of analysts in which IBM was ranked number one in AR in Asia-Pacific.

Congratulations guys.


Duncan Chapple said...

Hi David,

Thanks for mentioning our study. I've written a little about this at


ARonaut said...

Me too:

The AR pissing contest has started!

Anonymous said...

Posted to my :-) That's a headline I like to see (of course, I do work in IBM analyst relations heh heh).

David Rossiter said...

Being number 1 is a nice position to achieve. Keeping it is even better. It's testament to more than just hard work!