Monday, January 21, 2008

RedMonk - the world's first "make-side" analyst firm?

I was reading James Governor's blog earlier today (essential reading I'd suggest) and was struck by how he describes RedMonk:

"Other analyst firms primarily target sell-side or buy-side (the buyers or sellers of technology). We really don’t see the world that way. RedMonk’s core constituency is “make-side“: the makers and doers, hackers and players. They might work at vendors, at dotcoms, at service providers, or traditional enterprises. Open source and web oriented technologies are the bridges between them. Industry analysts they really need to be advocates to be effective. We are not user advocates. We’re not vendor advocates. We’re maker advocates."

James, I like it. And you have inspired me to make my first blog post of 2008.


Anonymous said...

not sure what point struck me most..

a) the make-side analysis. Good thinking and targeting by RedMonk but I feel lots of analysts target this audience but probably not as exclusively as James et al.

b) you have made a blog post

Personally - i think the latter was the real reason I was shocked this morning. Happy 2008

David Rossiter said...

Thank you Jonny :-) And to you.

Duncan Chapple said...

"Make-side"? Isn't that just a euphemism for suppliers?

David Rossiter said...

James says "They might work at vendors, at dotcoms, at service providers, or traditional enterprises."