Friday, June 17, 2005

Confirmed: Ovum has acquired RHK

Duncan Chapple has just confirmed on his blog, Analyst Equity, that Ovum's rumoured acquisition of RHK has gone ahead.


Anonymous said...

suprised you haven't mentioned the departure of Ovum analysts and leaders such as David Lewin (founder, board member, regulatory guru). The 'sabatical' of Julian Hewitt (Chief Analyst), the reputedly 'enforced sabbatical' of Mary Ann O'Laughlin in the US, the departure of Ilidio Ferrera (EAI analyst), the departure of US Research head Alan Pelz-Sharpe etc etc etc (many others)....
There has been a wholescale walk - by analysts disgusted at the downmarket direction the CEO is taking.

Duncan Chapple said...

As a fomer Ovum analyst myself, I see no sign of a wholesale walk. Staff are always leaving analyst firms. Most of these are amicable splits; you need something more to see a wholesale trend. You might have an axe to grind but, either way, do drop me a line and let me know your thoughts.

dsc (at)

David Rossiter said...

Duncan, I agree with you. There have been some departures from Ovum this year - and some have been surprising given the length of time the analyst has been there. But as you say, people do leave analyst firms all the time and for all sorts of reasons. We're not seeing any sign of a "wholesale walk" as it's described by the anonymous commentator.